31 Days of Winter
comes here a day, I’ll see you Monday evening Miss Baxter, have a safe trip.’
    ‘But how will I know you? How will you know me?’ I
asked and realised I was asking no one, he’d already gone. I shook my head to
clear my thoughts and looked down at my engagement ring again. How could
something that had felt like my future, suddenly seem so much a part of my past?
I went to take it off, but got it as far as my first joint and sighed. I might
have realised I wasn’t really in love with Zac anymore, but hurt as I was over
his actions I wasn’t ready to let go yet either, not until I had some answers.
I pushed my ring back on my finger and looked back at my phone. Four more
missed calls from him and six texts, I wasn’t ready to read or hear any of them
and shoved it back in my bag as Brooke wandered over with a naughty smile on
her face, then she looked at me shocked.
    ‘What the hell have I missed?’ she uttered.
    ‘What do you mean?’
    ‘You have orgasm face on.’
    ‘Well, you do. What have you been doing?’
    ‘Nothing, I just took a call about the boathouse
to say it’s available for the full four weeks and that he’ll email me the link
to pay.’
    ‘Sounded nice, did he?’ she grinned.
    ‘Not nice Brooke, seriously orgasmic and I made a
right fool of myself over the phone. My brain couldn’t function, my clit took
completely over.’
    ‘Age? Accent? Married?’
    ‘Huh, now you mention it he didn’t have a Scottish
accent, a very well spoken English accent and so deep he’d have given Barry
White a run for his money, so I’m thinking he’s moved into mature male
territory. I’ve no idea about his marital status, exactly how did you think I’d
work that into a rental conversation?’
    ‘Hmmm, good point. So what is he? The agent, the
    ‘No idea, I didn’t think to ask, but he’s picking
me up at the airport.’
    ‘Seriously?’ The look on her face confirmed my
thoughts that it wasn’t normal.
    ‘I know, I thought it was a bit odd, but he said
“all part of the service, Miss Baxter” and said a taxi would get lost. What if
he’s some crazy psycho serial killer and I’m about to be chopped up and fed to
the sharks?’
    ‘Well I don’t think sharks live in fresh water
lochs for starters. Besides, if he owns it and he advertises on the net and has a PayPal account, it’s not like he’s keeping his serial killer identity
under really tight wraps is it? Oooo, God ,’ she groaned.
    ‘O no, what else have you thought of?’
    ‘Nothing, I just flicked the button on the remote
for those kegel eggs again and damn … the vibrations are amazing.’
    ‘You’ve got them in?’ I laughed.
    ‘What do you think I was doing in the loo for this
long?’ she winked. ‘Can you hear them vibrating?’
    ‘Not from here and before you ask, I’m not putting
my ear against your vagina to listen any closer, there are limits. Come on I
need my laptop, jumpers, and some seriously cosy socks and thermal underwear.’
    ‘I’ll come wherever you go,’ she giggled and I
knew she was talking about the eggs and shook my head as we headed off.

Day Three

    Brooke rang Zac for me and
told him that I wanted to meet him for Sunday lunch to talk, and suggested
somewhere we used to eat at a lot over in Kensington, near my office, and he
fell for it. We parked around the corner from his apartment and waited until we
saw his Porsche roar out of the underground car park and Brooke made me giggle
as she set the timer on her watch.
    ‘What so funny?’ she protested.
    ‘You, I’m waiting for you to pull out balaclavas,
cat suits and a swag bag. It’s not like we’re going in to rob a bank. I live
there, or rather I lived there.’
    ‘Well I know that, but the whole point of making
him think you were meeting him, was to get him out of the way so you could pack
your stuff and avoid a confrontation. I reckon given London traffic we’ve got
half an hour for him to get there,
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