3013: CLAIMED Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: 3013: CLAIMED Read Online Free PDF
Author: Laurie Roma
mad. He searched her face, studying her as satisfaction filled him at seeing Jax and his mark near her eye that told the world she belonged to them.
    They had claimed her.
    It was an action that both he and Jax had been in complete accord with, and one that could get them court-martialed if she brought them up for sanctions. After Serra had gone down in the interrogation room, they’d been ordered away from her. With no claim on her and without authority over the investigation, they would have been banned from her.
    And that was something they wouldn’t have allowed.
    Before the med-techs had arrived, Archer had used the device he had brought with him to the security center. Hearing she was in custody had made him take the marking device with him when he got the call. It had only taken a few seconds as he’d touched the device to the left side of her face, instantly transferring the tattoo on her skin, but the result made her theirs for the rest of their lives. The stylized pattern was a combination of both his and Jax’s initials, comprised of a scrolling design so that it complimented the scroll mark on the right side of her face that classified her as a fertile female.
    “You had us worried, sweetheart,” Jax said from where he was standing on the other side of the bed. The gruff sound of his voice didn’t seem to bother Serra, as was evident from the smile playing on her lush lips.
    “Sorry. What happened?”
    Jax’s jaw tightened at the weak sound of her voice. He didn’t like seeing her lying there looking so helpless. “You passed out in the interrogation room. They have you on some sort of blocker now, but they can’t figure out what triggered your attack.”
    “We’ve brought some friends with us that may be able to help you,” Archer added.
    Serra smiled up at him, then reached out to take Jax’s hand so she was holding onto both men. It felt so good to have them with her again. She’d missed them so much, but amazingly, she still felt like she knew them. Over the years, she’d tried to keep tabs on them, in her own way. She knew they were both dedicated to their positions in the Alliance—just as she was—but it touched her heart that they had come to her at the first sign of trouble.
    “Before that happens, we need to ask her a few questions.”
    A tall, muscular man moved into view. He was wearing the standard grey uniform of an elite, but the two metal bars on his lapel designated him as a director instead of the four bars both Jax and Archer wore as commanders. Serra barely held back a shiver as eyes black as midnight bore into her from a harsh face that could have been chiseled from marble. Dominic Stryker was a handsome man, but there was a lethal edge to him that made her think he was dangerous. Something about him made her extremely uncomfortable.
    “Serra, this is Dominic Stryker, the Director of Security and Interrogation here in the Capital.”
    “Ms. Lysander, I need to know if you would like Commanders Spartan and Archer brought up on charges.”
    She felt more than saw Jax and Sully tense, but she didn’t understand the cold statement. Even though it had been a long time since she had been able to spend time with them, she would never do anything to hurt Jax and Sully. Ever.
    “Why would I do that?”
    “Your records state that you have been given exempt status. They claimed you while you were unable to protest. Your status allowed you to choose your own bonding unit.”
    They’d claimed her? Her heart gave a hard thump of joy even as the insistent throbbing in her head began again. The medical console beeped in warning as it picked up the change in her vitals.
    “Damn it, what is that? What’s wrong? Dom, get the doctor in here. Now.”
    She heard the fear Jax masked behind his barking command, then saw Jax’s father step forward to place a calming hand on his son’s arm. “You can’t blame the poor girl for being upset, Jax. Stars, it’s bad enough that you claimed
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