100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing

100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing Read Online Free PDF

Book: 100 Days of Right Believing: Daily Readings from The Power of Right Believing Read Online Free PDF
Author: Joseph Prince
God who will never leave you nor forsake you, who has gone before you and who comes to you in the midst of your storms.
If you only knew
the One who reaches out to you even when you have failed and who doesn’t hold your past mistakes or present failures against you.
    Beloved, if you only knew this gift of God who offers the living water of His unconditional, endless love to you and you drink of that love, you will never thirst again. You won’t need to look for love or acceptance in all the wrong places, have your heart broken and fearful about the future, and have your life derailed. You can wake up with a fresh expectation of good every day.
    Jesus was essentially inviting the woman to ask Him for the living water of His love. Will you do that today? Your life will never be the same again when you personally experience His love!

Today’s Thought
    Jesus offers me the living water of His unconditional, endless love today. My life will never be the same again when I personally experience His love!

Today’s Prayer
    Lord Jesus, I am so thirsty for You. I know that only You can satisfy the deepest needs of my heart. Today, I believe that You are here right now, offering me the living water of Your love. I receive Your love and Your life into my heart and into my life. Thank You for reaching out to me, and for Your perfect and unconditional love that will never fail me. I receive You as the answer to all I will ever need for every challenge that I face. Amen.

“Jesus Loves Me! This I Know…”

    Today’s Scripture
    The L ORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”
    J EREMIAH 31:3
    I heard a story of a minister from Oregon who was assigned to provide counseling in a state mental institution. His first assignment was to a padded cell that housed deranged, barely clothed patients. He couldn’t even talk to the inmates, let alone counsel them—the only responses he got were groans, moans, and demonic laughter.
    Then the Holy Spirit prompted him to sit in the middle of the room and for a full hour just sing the famous children’s hymn that goes, “Jesus loves me! This I know, for the Bible tells me so. Little ones to Him belong; they are weak, but He is strong.” Nothing happened at the end of that first day, but for weeks he persisted to sing the same melody with greater conviction each time: “Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.”
    As the days passed, the patients began singing with him one by one. Amazingly, by the end of the first month, thirty-six of the severely ill patients were transferred from the high-dependency ward to a self-care ward. Within a year, all but two were discharged from the mental institution. 1
    As one of the best-known and loved hymns of all time, this hymn’s ongoing popularity lies in its succinct elegance in unveiling Jesus’ heart. It beckons one to recognize that no matter what challenges, failures, and misdeeds one might be dealing with,
the love of Jesus remains a constant
    “Jesus loves me! This I know.”
    How so?
    “For the Bible tells me so.”
    So simple, yet so powerful.
    Whether you feel it or not, Jesus’ constant love for you rests in the truth and on the foundation of His unchanging Word. It proclaims that His love for you and me is based utterly and completely on Him—on His promises, His work, and His grace. Today, let healing and rest for your soul come as you allow your heart to be anchored on this truth.

Today’s Thought
    No matter what challenges, failures, and misdeeds I am dealing with, Jesus loves me! Yes, Jesus loves me! The Bible tells me so.

Today’s Prayer
    Lord Jesus, thank You for unveiling Your great heart of love for me in Your Word. I am amazed by how much You love me no matter what I have or have not done. I believe that Your love is true and constant and that nothing can change that. Today, I rest in
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