07. Ghost of the Well of Souls

07. Ghost of the Well of Souls Read Online Free PDF

Book: 07. Ghost of the Well of Souls Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jack L. Chalker
unaccounted for. What is not reflected here is the size of the thing. It's not huge, but the eight of us could probably swim through it at once, in a two-four-two formation."
    That would make the upper base roughly four to five meters across its long side, and the missing side segment would be about a meter and a half, perhaps two.
    Mochida's beak clicked like a telegraph, a nervous habit when he was in deep thought. Finally he said, "I very much hope that our missing segment is part of the base. It will be much easier to recognize it than that side framing, which could be virtually anywhere and in anything. That makes finding out our secured segment that much more important."
    "Well, yes, sir," the subordinate responded nervously, "but isn't that what the previous campaign was all about? Sanafe is a nontech hex in the middle of nowhere. Without Ochoa as a base, how can we hope to get in there with sufficient force and resources to find, or force them to find, what we require?"
    "Well, if at first you do not succeed, try a different plan," Mochida told them. "The planning department has decided that if we can not use Ochoa, we must try a different route. Their Highnesses are quite keen on shifting to an alternate target for several obvious reasons, the least of which is the two small islands. You all know that we have a deep score to settle with Kalinda."
    "Yes, but high-tech defense against a high-tech attack is risky. They need only hold. That is an ancient lesson learned long ago on the Well World."
    "Yes, it is more complex, which is why Ochoa was the preferred route," Mochida admitted. "Still, it is possible. If the air-breather allies can establish themselves in Bludarch, Kalinda is a far easier target. We are already working with some allies there. Their government is weak and corrupt, their society fat, lazy,complacent. With an adequate supply base and simple chain, and the understanding that this time they will not be dealing with the limited Quacksans or lock-step Jirminins, but with the best soldiers of Chalidang—I believe it is a very attainable goal."
    Kalindan—Yabbo Border
    Ari knew just exactly what Ming meant by that. Frequently. Like now.
    They had indeed had some training back in Kalinda with the police and intelligence agencies, but these only gave them some general idea of what their destinations might be like, and some additional hand-to-hand defensive training for their underwater environment. On the basics, they knew far more than their instructors did, and seemed to have more experience and fewer scruples as well. Still, it wasn't lost on either of them that sending a single unescorted non-native into other countries and environments wasn't the best way to gather information and ensure it would get back to whomever needed it. No, clearly they were wanted out of Kalinda for some reason by both the Powers That Be and Core. Anyone working for their enemies would have no doubt whatsoever why they were there. They weren't even provided with cover identities or a cover mission; in effect, they were simply being sent on a journey to the nations bordering Kalinda to get "experience."
    Think anybody is gonna be fooled that maybe we're off on some desperate mission or something and drop all plans to target Kalinda? Ming asked sarcastically.
    It seems to me that Josich was known to be ruthless, amoral, merciless, dishonorable, and that's just for starters, but never did I hear him described as stupid. Nor were his agents incompetent, either.
    Think they expect us to get back alive? Ming asked her partner in mind.
    Probably not. I don't think they'reout to kill us, though. I think they just don't give a damn.
    That was probably the hardest idea to accept. The object was to get rid of them, and maybe distract some enemy agents, but it wasn't in the hope that they could really divine anything of importance. Somebody just wanted them out of Kalinda.
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