02 Buck Naked

02 Buck Naked Read Online Free PDF

Book: 02 Buck Naked Read Online Free PDF
Author: Desiree Holt
Tags: Naked Cowboys
thick brown hair and her lightly tanned shoulders. She knew she was probably playing with fire, but she was drawn to it like a moth to a flame.
    Everyone was on the patio talking and drinking by the time she finally made it outside. Matt was checking the grill, Reenie next to him, Buck a few feet away. The sparks flew the moment she stepped outside and spotted Buck Montgomery.
    Oh lordy.
    Tonight he wore jeans that outlined his narrow hips and long legs. Paired with them was a startlingly red, short-sleeved knit shirt that contrasted with and emphasized his dark complexion and black, black hair. He turned at the sound of her footsteps and something hot sparked in his eyes.
    Heat sizzled through her body and singed her good intentions.
    Damn .
    “Evening.” He nodded at her and gave her a slow smile that nearly melted her panties.
    “Sorry I’m late,” she apologized. “Must have lost track of the time.”
    “What are you drinking, Amy?” Matt asked. “Your usual white wine?”
    “No.” Her eyes were still locked with Buck’s. “I think tonight I’ll have a beer. Lone Star.”
    Her brother raised an eyebrow at her but pulled a cold brew from the ice-filled tub, unscrewed the cap and handed it to her. Still watching Buck, she tipped the bottle back and took a deep swallow. She hoped the chilled beverage would cool the sudden heat flushing through her body, but it didn’t even make a dent.
    “Thanks for the invitation.” His voice skewered her. “Your brother’s been giving me some great tips.”
    “Yeah,” Matt told her. “I told him about the high school and college kids out looking for summer ranch work. Said I’d pass his name along so he could at least hire himself some temporary help.”
    “I appreciate it too,” Buck said.
    “We also invited him to join us at the Cattleman’s Ball next month,” Reenie added. “Matt’s going to get the membership application for him.”
    “How nice.” What else was she supposed to say? “It’s a good way to get to know people.”
    For a brief moment, something hard and cold flashed across Buck’s face, gone even before she could recognize it. But the smile that replaced it looked a little forced.
    “I’m looking forward to it,” he told her.
    “I figured it would work better if Buck went with us—you, me and Reenie—and we could make the introductions.”
    She nearly choked on her beer. “Oh, um, well, um, sure.”
    Buck’s gaze seemed to look right inside her. “I told Matt that’s very nice of all of you, but I don’t want to horn in. Anyway, I haven’t decided yet if I’m even going.”
    “Of course you are,” Reenie insisted. “It’s a very important event.” She grinned. “And you can satisfy everyone’s curiosity about the man who bought the Hayes Ranch. Listen, why are we all standing up here? Let’s sit down under this umbrella and get some shade.”
    Matt took a seat close to the grill so he could keep an eye on the fire. With only four people at the round table, of course Amy ended up next to Buck, where she felt the heat radiating from his body. Or was that hers? How on earth was she supposed to conduct a normal conversation when a man she unfortunately lusted for, one who pissed her off, was practically touching her?
    Was actually touching her. His arm brushed hers where it rested on the arm of her chair, and his leg bumped hers beneath the table. The man was driving her crazy. One minute he obviously rebuffed her, the next he looked like he wanted to strip off all her clothes. What was going on with him, anyway? And why was he so reluctant to tell her anything about his background? She couldn’t decide if she wanted to find out or not.
    Make up your mind, stupid. Just because you’re still scorched from a succession of jerks doesn’t mean you can’t take a chance again.
    But it does, she thought. Especially when she couldn’t get a clear read on Buck. There was just something there…
    She was so lost in her own
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